Dec 5, 2007

Fido Conclusion.

I promised I would keep you up to date on this. I posted on a customer service experience with Fido here. That post made it's way to Fido's head office (read about it here), last Monday I received a call from Fido's Head office in Montreal.

The gentleman seemed genuine, and sincerely thanked me for the feedback. He listened to my comments and I felt he was interested in what I had to say.

Then he gave me a free long distance package and took $10 of my bill each month for the length of my contract (2 more years to go).

So I guess the lesson here is, speak up. Oh, and have friends like Paul who like to pass your words on to someone who can influence the situation ( I owe you a beer Paul) .

Fido has unbroken my heart, and returned to its rightful place in my mind (right next to ICBC and my dentist, known as the borderline disdain quadrant of my brain)

Thank you for listening Fido, it was fun.

(image from Team Management Services)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jess - just shows you that a bit of eloquent speech, the right medium, and the right connections will generate a wave of change.

As a PR Guru in the making, I respect Fido's response - however will not be changing service providers, as Telus bought my love long ago with a Hippo commercial and a festive jingle.

Perhaps I can suggest to Fido's marketing team, that a few puppies dancing to Jingle Bell rock is in order? (I'm partial to Westie's)